The Month is September, the Year is 2021 and Fall is On Its Way
It has been a few months since the last newsletter and while the world may be going to heck in a handbasket, our gardens are still here asking for little but providing lots. I have a rather small garden, (I refer to it as compact), but it is amazing the number of plants I can stuff into it. In fact, according to many books, I don’t provide sufficient room for each plant. Hogwash, I say, they will figure it out.
The Month is June, The Year is 2021 and Summer is here
The Month is June, The Year is 2021 and Summer is here
“Deep summer is where laziness finds respectability.” Sam Keen
Sam Keen is a wonderful American author and philosopher whose quote about the lazy days of summer made me go through my photo archives. I recall this anonymous reader at the Botanical Garden at the University of Georgia. She demonstrates a perfect combination of summer, laziness and respectability.
The Month is April, The Year is 2021 and Spring Brings New Life
The Month is April, 2021, The Year is 2021 and Spring Brings New Life
“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” Margaret Atwood
How can you not admire the writing and creativity of Margaret Atwood, the marvelous Canadian poet and writer? Her thoughts on spring certainly reflect mine, and those of most of you reading this. So, let’s get out and paint our fingernails with soil.