The Month is July, the Year is 2022, and I am Glad There is No Such Thing as Global Warming.

Man, it has been hot – and dry. As I look over photos of snow on the ground in February, I even yearn for winter again, nah not really, maybe for fall.  I just wish these hot, dry, humid days would moderate a little so my garden could take a breather – and my water bill could be paid without installments.  

The author’s Garden, June, 2022

Ah, what the heck, we always complain about the weather. And since we can’t do anything about it, let’s enjoy the fact that Covid has not taken us out; we are upright and reasonably happy and we can admire a noble oak, a handsome maple or an eye-catching phlox.  

There is always something to look forward to in the garden, even though my mop-head hydrangeas are wilting and my hosta leaves are getting crispier by the day. However, my coffee cup and I are still walking around the garden in the cool of the morning and Susan and I are still sipping wine from the deck in the cool of the evening. We have enjoyed the views of the Georgia mountains and loved the time on the dock at a nearby lake, but home -heat, cold, warts and all - is where we are most content. 

I have been remiss in writing this little essay and have missed sharing a number of travels with you. I have been to the New Plant trials in California, where many of the new plants that appear at the Garden Center are introduced. How about that Delphinium?

Delphinium ‘Red Lark’ from Darwin Perennials

I have been to Keukenhof Gardens in Holland, without doubt the greatest bulb garden in the world, and to the spectacular Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. So who I am to complain about the weather.

Turns out June was Perennial Plant Month, so I hope you celebrated with the newest and greatest coneflower, phlox or aster. Combine those with some fine annuals, a shrub or two and a few trees and you too have an excuse to drink more wine while getting exercise traipsing about your green space. 

As we move through the dog days of summer, let’s rejoice in a few plants that help get us through. 

Some excellent perennials

A few brilliant annuals

A few cool shrubs

A few cool small trees

Find Me

Facebook Live walkabouts: Pleas follow me so you know when the next adventurous walkabout will occur. All walkabouts up to now can be found on my website under walkabouts.

The App: Armitage’s Great Garden Plants app has a new look, at least for Apple phones. The content has been updated, and it is even easier to move around than ever. The sections on deer, pollinators, natives and solution gardening are better than ever. No ads, no nonsense, just good info, all for the price of a bad burger doodle, $4.99

YouTube videos are being posted fast and furious, hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy rambling on about plants and such. 

While June was Perennial Plant month, it also included the birthday of my fabulous coworker, Kelly Garcia. I would like everyone to celebrate Kelly’s special day – if you order any of my books and use the discount code KELLY, you will receive free shipping, domestic addresses only. You can thank Kelly later.

Fall will be on our doorstep before we know it, so let’s enjoy sweating in the garden a little longer. Now, if we can get a little rain.


I Simply Remember These Favorite Things, and then I Can Smile All Day


Let There be Bulbs