I Simply Remember These Favorite Things with Dr. A, January 2024

January 2024

A Plant:

Coral bark Japanese maple

My love affair with Japanese maples has probably bored you to death, but what can I say? They work! I extolled the foliage of ‘Villa Taranto’ last year, but now its time for winter bark color. This is an easy plant to find, relatively inexpensive (for Japanese maples) and is hardy to zone 5 in winter and zone 8 in summer. Site it where you can look at it from inside as well. When ordering, look for Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’

A Garden:

Monticello Historic Gardens

The house, the history, and the site are remarkable, and walking around the gardens is even more so. Between the West Lawn, the Flower Border, and the Vegetable gardens, there is plenty to see and appreciate. As Thomas Jefferson so eloquently stated, “I may be an old man, but I am a young gardener.”


A Book:


Author: Geraldine Brooks

Fiction. The story spans 1850 Kentucky, 1954 New York and 2019 Washington, DC. We are introduced to a diverse group of characters, the only thing they all have in common is the Horse. This is not just about any horse, it is about the greatest racehorse in America, Lexington. As I read the reviews, I see there are many dissenters, but far more who thoroughly enjoyed it.

Geraldine Brooks is an excellent author, her acclaimed Pulitzer Prize winner, People of the Book is almost as good.

A Show:


This is not a series but rather a documentary about Diana Nyad, the most amazing long-distance swimmer the world has seen. The story documents her efforts to swim the 110 miles from Cuba to Florida. This did not happen on her first effort, not her second or third (jellyfish and storms had something to do with it), but her obsession and obstinacy would not allow her to fail. The movie documents her remarkable efforts, and those of her best friend (played by Jodie Foster) and her team, in finally succeeding at the age of 60! Want a little inspiration, you might want to watch this

A Place:

Newfoundland, the Island

Newfoundland just seems to sit out there in the Atlantic and is affectionally known as “The Rock.” It was the last province to join Canada, not being part of the country until 1949. It was isolated then and is still not an easy place to get to. The ferry from Nova Scotia takes 6-8 hours (there are also flights to the capital), but oh my, it is worth it. Two national parks and more moose, whales, polar bears, and birds than you can imagine are part of its charm.  While Newfoundland has appeal to the adventurous traveler, not all of us have the time or inclination to chase moose around the tundra.  Even if you can only get to the capital, St John’s, there is so much to do and see there (be sure to walk around the joyfully colored houses). There is even a wonderful botanical garden there. 

Watch your inbox for my list of February Favorites and Gift Guide.


I Simply Remember These Favorite Things with Dr. A, February 2024


I Simply Remember These Favorite Things, and then I Can Smile All Year.