April is National Gardening Month

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A few words from the garden.

In a strange and historic time, we need to focus on what is still beautiful around us.

I am anxious, I am scared, I am restless but I am staying put. I am fortunate to have a roof over my head, I am blessed to have a garden to enjoy, I appreciate all my friends and colleagues who understand the need for social distancing, I am dumbfounded at the stupidity of all those who don’t.

My friends and daughters (and son) are going crazy

They all have a keener appreciation of teachers, that is for sure. Heather has  children, Laura has 2, and Jon has a 3-year old. As Heather states, this pandemic has proven that birth control makes sense. Staying safe is the number one priority for all parents, staying sane is a bit more of a challenge. However, this too shall pass.

For those who are reading this, I am but one voice, but I know we will get through this. I have made a video of my thoughts – here is the link – if you agree with me, then feel free to pass it on.

The garden may be our savior, and we are all trying

Let’s understand that while we are anxious, we are not cowed. Getting outside, playing in the garden, allowing dirt to spill between our fingers and doing a little weeding is not only a pleasure but wonderfully therapeutic. Here are few of my thoughts:


Let’s support our local garden centers and nurseries. 

They are part of the community, and they are trying their best to provide open spaces, outdoor cash registers and/or drive through options for plant material. They are one of the few businesses you can easily help whose products not only provide pleasure but provide long lasting gratification. Support them, please. 

If you are a garden retailer and would like your company listed in a special section on our website (www.allanarmitage.net), please provide the following information:


Follow these Simple Instructions to have your Garden Center listed for FREE!

1. Provide current contact information - name, phone, address.

2. Provide your website address.

3. Provide photos of your Garden Center.

4. Tell someone why they want to visit in a short paragraph. Be creative! Take a look at other listings on the App - they are the best guides to emulate.

5. Send everything to Dr. Armitage at amarmitage123@gmail.com

Don’t Forget!

Promote the App to your customers and fans through your website, e-blasts, social media and other forms of promotion.

Places I turn to for sustenance and joy

I cannot be without my bulbs or vines 

Common sense

I have done enough preaching on common sense behavior in this the time of Covid-19 so let’s enhance our outdoor experience with some common-sense gardening tips. It is spring so:

  1. Cleaning the garden: Do the best you can, weeds are part of the garden – don’t try to be Mrs. Doubtfire

  2. Cut out dead branches, they are simply a pain to look at. But don’t get skewed by sharp twigs or pierced by dead rose stems, of which there always seem to be more than the year before. 

More tips in the next newsletter.

We are not the problem, we are the solution. Let us never forget that.

YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/ArmitageVideos)

Don’t forget to Subscribe!

My App – Armitage’s Great Garden Plants (http://www.allanarmitage.net/dr-as-app-for-ios-androids)

Online classes on perennial (http://www.allanarmitage.net/online-courses)


June is Perennial Garden Month